Outstanding Results from School Using LFB and LFK

One of Queensland’s largest State Primary schools has received outstanding results from using Literacy for Kids and Literacy for Boys programs.
The recent study has seen participants’ results improve significantly. Tested age for spelling, reading & comprehension improved by up to 52 weeks in just 18 weeks using the program! Yes, some learners made a gain of almost a year!
“The LFB and LFK programs have been very easy to implement and students receive instant feedback when they complete each activity. There are a range of appealing topics and a number of reading components are addressed. Levels can be differentiated to suit the needs of each child. Students are able to track their own progress and have the
option of working through levels at their own pace and complete additional tasks in
their own time. The teachers have found the program to be an easy and effective
additional activity to use during their reading groups.” (Sue, Teacher)
Improvement across all areas
About the trial
- 18-week trial period
- Facilitated and run independently by largest State Primary School in Qld
- Over 80 students participated in the trial
- Teachers used the program 4 times a week with their learners
- Boys (used Literacy for Boys) and girls (used Literacy for Kids)
- Grades 3 to 6
- Targeted for whole class use and students with learning support needs
- Pre and post-testing completed independently by the school
- Students tested using recognised standardised tests: PAT-R, SA Spelling Age, St Lucia Reading & Comprehension Age
The program helped to close the gap.
Students were well below their chronological age before the program, and after the gap, was almost closed.

Average improvement in test results was 2.6 times chronological age…..

Improvement in all areas

See our program in action ~
Check out our blogs for more ideas and tips ~
Australia’s Reading Fail: Grattan’s Damning Report of our Literacy Landscape
Resources for Reluctant Writers – in the classroom and at home
Special NAPLAN Offer – get the results you want
Improving Writing Stamina: 5 Common Challenges and How to Help Students
Boys Love LFB – Here’s what they have to say!
Get boys reading in the digital age
Why write? Tips for reluctant writers
Brought to you by Tanya Grambower