The Literacy for Boys program uses reading activities that are relevant to boys. Comprehension passages are carefully screened and selected for their suitability. Literacy for Boys is distinguished by a lengthy and thorough field testing program. Once the texts passed the criteria of interest, readability and relevance, they were tried out on numerous boys.
There is absolutely no doubt that boys learn differently than girls. In order to get the best out of boys and their learning activities, there needs to be an understanding of how best to work with them.
Where does Literacy For Boys fit in?
So what is the answer? There is no one silver bullet or magic wand that can solve this issue.
Literacy For Boys is convinced that the issue of boys and their underperformance in literacy can be addressed and make a positive impact. We know that if you can engage boys, you will get better results, not just in literacy but in all areas of a boy’s life.

Better results in literacy lead to better results in other classroom subjects. This generates improved self-esteem and self-confidence. Both are essential building blocks for life.
Knowing all of this, we can set about creating a program that truly works, for boys.
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